Ceramic hoard with an anthropomorphic vessel

26 Aug 2015

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Three complete vessels were discovered in a small feature near a Linear Pottery Culture (LBK) house plan. One of them is a gynaecomorphous vessel depicting a pregnant woman. The surface of the anthropomorphic vessel is decorated with incised lines and irregularly shaped hollows. According to this decoration representing clothes, the vessel can be dated to the end of the later stage of LBK. Analogical vessel comes from the area of Želiezovce Culture, from Blatné site. Spatial connection between the Těšetice ceramic hoard and the post-built house is very likely, therefore we might take into consideration a sort of substitutive building sacrifice.


  • Kazdová, E. 1999: Depot lineární keramiky s antropomorfní nádobou z Těšetic-Kyjovic, okr. Znojmo. In: Kuzma, I. ed. Otázky neolitu a eneolitu našich krajín – 1998, Nitra, 125-132.
  • Kazdová, E. 2007: Ke 40. výročí zahájení výzkumů v Těšeticích-Kyjovicích na Znojemsku. Některé výsledky výzkumu a studia neolitického osídlení. In: Kazdová, E. – Podborský, V. (eds), Studium sociálních a duchovních struktur pravěku, Brno, 39-54.

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